Thursday, September 3, 2015

My older son called me yesterday and said he needed to talk. When I got there he started off by saying "I had a dream..." I cut him off and said " I know you didn't call me to come way over here to tell me something you could have told me over the phone...we laughed and he said"no this is different ". I told him to tell me and he began to tell me that he had dreamed I was building a house and people kept stealing material....he said it was like they didn't know what they were doing but their doing it still prevented the construction of the house. He said then these people who were very different and from their appearance looked like misfits came and told the people stealing the material that they had better stop, and then there started to be progress in the construction of the house and the house was eventually finished. That dream has been ony mind since he told me. It makes me think of how important it is to choose who you have around you carefully because just like in his dream even if the people around you unconsciously hinder your vision or goals it still slows the process of construction. What then is the solution? For me its a simple prayer of Lord bring those who will.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Someone walked up car while I was in the drive thru of a fast food restaurant and asked me to  call 911 for them. I did (of course). His walking up to my car when there were others he could have gone to was humbling and encouraging. If people close to you, estranged, or strangers come to you when they need help its because they see something in you.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I woke up around four not feeling that well I thought I was just coming down with something but then I began to hear the voice of the enemy telling me negative things so I said okay this is warfare and got up. I began to read the bible and I felt better soon afterwards. I began to think about a lot of times things have no power unless you agree and then I began to think on the power God has entrusted us with...what are we doing with it? Are we speaking life? I also thought on how the enemy uses division against the body. I thought of the power of the words of a believer. I thought on how we must be careful. I thought on spiritual principles. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit and guidance. I thought about times I said what I shouldn't. I thought on believers essentially working against each other. I thought about parents often have to resolve fights between siblings about how just like God a lot of parents will have the child see their wrong in the matter. God is good.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Speak Life

God has been dealing with me about alot of the things. One of which is praying blessings over my children. I used to do it all the time. I would pray with them, anoint them, pray over them while they were sleeping and pray blessings over them and have them pray blessings over me. I got away from that and alot of other things I know to do.  Today is a new day... Let's begin.
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

A wonderful change

Something changed in me today. I don't fully know what all it entails...but something is different. I felt something open and I know things will never be the same.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

It's Time

Yesterday my friend and I were riding and talking and I told her that although I was in an uncomfortable place I had to admit that good was coming from it.I told her my faith was being restored. I use to ride around looking at houses; I would pick out the ones I liked. Once I picked out a waterfront home that was located in the downtown area of the city that I live in; I really liked it. I had a realtor give me a viewing of the home. I told her that I was an author (I am although I had only started this blog at that time). After a while I got the courage to tell someone and I was shocked by their response was, you can have it....anyone else would have used reason and asked me the questions about things that need to be in place when purchasing a home like: what is your income?, what is your credit score?; how much money do you have toward your down payment?...none of these questions were asked and having this person believe with me built my faith. I am looking, and believing God for what seems impossible again. Last night I heard a speaker speak on faith. It was awesome and a confirmation "God is up to something good". My signature for my phone this year is " Great things in 2015" and I believe it. :)
 I drove by the water today...last night the preacher said "Cast your bread on the water..." I wanted to see it in the natural so I went to feed the birds... they were all the way on the other side of the beach...I began to throw the bread and then I said to myself "okay get off the bench and stand up to throw it'...after a while one bird came to eat the bread, soon there were many. It is time to reap; the things done by faith were not done in vain.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 Cast thy bread upon the waters:for thou shalt find it after many days

Friday, August 21, 2015


You know you have heard a good word when it makes you go pray!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015


This week God has began to deal with me about using my time purposefully. Feeling the way I have been feeling, the only way I can see being able to do this is to make a list of the things I need to feels funny having to write the list. I used to write these kind of lists because I was doing so much it was easier just to complete a task then cross it out; now I have an abundance of time but a lack of will to complete the tasks. I wrote my list today as I sat by the of the things I love to do that is different now. I sat feeling like I was waiting. Waiting for my ship to come in, waiting on purpose and direction. What do you do while waiting? You do what you know to do; pray, exercise your gifts, complete the things you know you need to complete... if you are having a hard time doing those things write them down and purposely schedule some time to do them. Whatever we do we must keep moving we can't get where we need to go standing still.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fish Out of Water


Various times in my life God would give me a sign that he was with me; that he heard me; that he loved me. One of those signs was a fish jumping out of water. So today as I sit looking out of my mother's window looking at the view my grandmother once loved I feel kind of torn. Fish after fish are jumping in the air but it kind of hurts. It kind of reminds me of a parent putting alcohol on a scrape; it makes it better but it still hurts and it reminds you that you are injured. My grandmother passed on Mother's Day...she was ready. I heard her say it. I wasn't ready. How can you say goodbye to someone that close to you? It was selfish to want her to stay. Her health was fading; she couldn't do the things she loved to do anymore; most of all she was very independent so when the time came that so many of the things we take for granted required assistance for her, it was very hard. I still wasn't ready. I still liked to call. I still liked to come to her house and see her; it was so comforting to me. It made me feel safe. It made me feel secure. So as I sit and look out at the water and continue to see the fish jump part of me is happy because I know it is well with her; the other part shrinks back from the fact that someone so very special to me is gone. A week or two before my grandmother passed a group that I am involved with gave me a list to pick ten questions to answer from as a way to get to know me and others better. One of the questions I chose: "If you could eat dinner with anyone dead or living who would it be?" My answer...My father (deceased);My cousin (deceased); My grandmother's best friend(deceased); and my grandmother (living). I thought of the joy she would feel to see my cousin, and her best friend (she may have been alright seeing my father I take comfort in knowing that she is having her dinner party and not only did the guest list include those I chose but it also included her husband, her mother, her father, her sister, her brother, her godmother, her uncle and others gone before her. Even in loss God is faithful; that won't change.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Finish the work...there is an expected end.

Today my mom called to tell me that my grandmother was back in the hospital. I felt an urgency to plant something. I decided on sunflowers and then I remembered I had blogged and posted a picture of  some sunflowers I had grown before. I looked back and found the post. May 12th of 2011 I had blogged about my grandmother being in the hospital and on May 16th I had posted a picture of the sunflowers I had planted. I can't explain what is going on right now in my life. I have been given some instructions and I know that my obedience will determine some key elements in the outcome of my future. I know that I must finish; no matter how tired; no matter what is going on around me. I must complete the work.

Lukewarm by Grace

Psalm 23

Psalm 91

Mother and Child