Sunday, February 18, 2018


A friend and I were talking a couple of weeks ago and we began to talk about staying hopeful and optimistic. She told me that she keeps a journal and wrote down something good that happened to her everyday. Later I was reminded about a class we had taken together and the class started out each time with something called "New and Good". It always positively shifted the atmosphere because no matter what you had been through that day or that week there was always good. My friend had implemented that lesson learned in her life and it was inspiring. As we talked further I thought on a  play we had gone to see together earlier that day and I told her about how while getting ready I needed a purse that matched my outfit...I had a purse that would match but I had not seen it in months and the start of the play was drawing near. Suddenly, where I should look came to mind and when I looked there it was; I exclaimed "Jesus, you are so good to me" and when I did, it quickened something in me. The same day of our conversation I began to journal the good that had happened each day. I start each entry out with "Jesus, you are so good to me". The saying has become cliche but it is yet true..."God is good all the time and all the time God is good". We only have to take a moment to think about it...the good is always there and I am not talking about "I woke up this morning, clothed in my right mind" although those things are very good because some didn't; but there is always more if we but look and acknowlege. I love you with the love of Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4:8
 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Sunday, November 19, 2017


I am really grateful. I have found my song again. I don't know if it was exercising my gifting in karaoke (lol) or the prayers of the saints...either way I'm grateful. Two songs have been playing in my head this morning and I'll add two more as a bonus.

I know the next one may seem a little random since it's not even Thanksgiving yet but it has been coming to mind just the same.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

���� The Power Within A Gallon of Milk

Last night while praying God began to faith had been shaken so when I began to hear him I began to question. I began to cry and I said God how do I know its you and not just my mind or imagination; I told him I want to be sure that it is you that I have been hearing. Today a cousin of mine from Tennessee sent this video. I had a rough day so I took it as inspiration and thanked her. Tonight as I began to pray God reminded me of the prayer that I prayed last night and said your cousin all the way in Tennessee gave you the answer to the prayer you prayed (by God of course). So today if your faith has been tested or if you just want to know if God hears your prayers know that he does and know that God is still speaking...we only have to listen. God Bless You. I love you with the love of Christ.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Stand...Let's Start a Movement!

In Pensacola, the city I live in a group  named The American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit to have a cross that has stood for 48 years in a park in the area named "Bayview Park" removed. US District Court Judge Robert Vinson ruled that the cross violated the constitution. Mayor Hayward of the city of Pensacola decided to take a stand...he decided to fight to keep the cross. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty will be representing the city of Pensacola free of charge in this matter. The whole ordeal stirred something within me. I remembered a time where me and those around me were always talking about Jesus. A time that we were concerned with bringing others into the fold (telling people about Jesus). What happened?...Life. But no matter what is going on around us we must not lose focus on the things that mean the most. Souls are priceless. I knew about the group trying to get the cross taken down. I talked about it to a friend and I didn't think about it again until a preacher on t.v. mentioned it. He had said it had been taken down. I talked about it to my friend and I felt convicted because although I knew about it...I did nothing. "What can we do?" I asked more to myself than her. We talked and talked, then we started talking about a trend in the area which is painting a painting on a rock and leaving it various places for people to find them. We said we could paint crosses...then we said we can actually leave crosses...we can leave crosses and place bibles in ziploc bags everywhere. Will you join us? This morning I drove to Bayview Park and to my delight the cross was still standing. I placed my first cross at its foot.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Today I felt that I needed to leave my house...I didn't know why but I knew that I was suppose to. After thinking about it (rationalizing can lead to trouble because sometimes things just don't make sense) I began to talk myself out of it. I reasoned that I really didn't have anywhere to go and I should just stay put...then that still small voice spoke to me "you know what you're suppose to do". I decided on ice cream; while in the drive through I looked up and saw a rainbow. That may seem small but you see I use to see an abnormal amount of rainbows. I hadn't seen one in a long time even when the weather conditions were perfect for a rainbow there wasn't one. I longed to see one. To remind me of God's promises for my life. Just last week I told my mom about a time that I had seen a rainbow. I was riding in the car with my children and I told them sometimes you can be going through something and God will do something to let you know everything will be will look in the sky and see a beautiful rainbow and it's like God telling you that he is here and things will be okay.  After I told them that, I began talking to God "Lord, I need a rainbow". Right after I said it I saw what I still think today was the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. It was closer than I have ever seen one and the colors were vibrant like they were full of life. I think on that from time to time. Remembering God and his goodness and faithfulness. Thank you Lord for the rainbows of my life.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Seek God's Face

There is confusion all around and God is not the author of confusion so we as believers need to be praying fervently; we need to pray for truth, discernment and that God's will be done. I feel that something needed to be done about terrorism; I saw America changing and how against Christ and Christianity people were becoming. Something needed to be done; America was on its way to becoming the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah where anything goes and morality was the minority. This agenda to remove Hispanic immigrants bothers me though. I have always noticed similarities between my culture and the Hispanic culture. I heard someone say "Turn In the Bad Ones" when referring to another issue and I feel that this should be the case with immigration. This is a nation of immigrants. I feel that instead of focusing on an entire race we should be focusing on doing something about "the bad ones". Most people just want to live and take care of their families...there is no crime in that; it is admirable. Before this immigration initiative I knew good families that lived in fear...they went to work, church, nearby stores and basically stayed in their neighborhood because of fear of deportation...what life must be like for them now. You can feel the thick sense of "Terror" in this community. I have always thought it strange how susceptible people are to becoming the very thing they are fighting against...crooked cops, fallen preachers, unethical doctors. Some of these people went in with the purest of intentions but somewhere along the journey they became overtaken by the very thing they were fighting. I think its because a lot of the time we forget we are not wrestling against mere flesh and blood and if we don't constantly seek God we stand the risk of conversion.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then shall I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Lukewarm by Grace

Psalm 23

Psalm 91

Mother and Child