Thursday, July 23, 2020

Great are God's Mercies and Faithfulness

God is so faithful and merciful even when we are going through things that are hard and painful he is always there. I can recount times where I was angry or upset and God caused me to look up and there was a rainbow or some other occurrence in nature that was so beautiful that it brought me to complete peace. I can recall going through something hard and mustering all of my energy to not cry or break down and then seeing something  funny and having to laugh (I love to laugh). Once my brother and I were coming from the hospital to see my dad and it wasn't looking good and I looked up and saw a church sign that said "Don't let Jesus catch you riding dirty" (I was a new secular song and that made it even funnier). I think we can all look over difficult times and see that God was there even if we didn't recognize his presence at the time. Jesus is present in every one of the circumstances and events that later become testimonies. Speaking of testimonies, have you ever heard a testimony that surprised you? Some church mothers give "testimonies" during the time to give testimonies that will have you putting your head down or finger up to walk to the restroom to keep from laughing out loud. I was visiting a church once and a church mother (the pastor's mother) got the mic and I was all set to hear about the goodness of God when she said "and that baby keeps crying because it don't  have on enough clothes and its cold"...she said some other things during her testimonial that I won't get into as well. I think we were all relieved when she passed the mic because we didn't know what was coming next. This wasn't intended to be a deep post. This is a lighthearted, go watch a comedy, tell a joke  or do something that makes you laugh kind of post because laughter doeth good like a medicine and the Joy of the Lord is our strength. God is good, and he is in control. There is so much hope for our future. God is faithful and no matter what is looks like he is able to accomplish his words and his promises. I love you with the love of Christ...Be Blessed.

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