Monday, March 23, 2020

Be Ready

Last night I dreamed I was on a new job (a good job) and I was not taking it serious. There was work that I was suppose to be doing that I wasn't doing. I even had a coffee mug full of alcohol that I was drinking. In the dream my boss asked me a few questions about how I was progressing. I gave him a superficial answer. He then told me he wanted to have dinner to talk more. I tried to make an excuse but the dream cut to our being together after work. I am the complete opposite on a job. If I find myself being even a little unprofessional I know its time for me to leave. In this dream I was starting off on the wrong foot. I believe my supervisor knew I wasn't doing what I was suppose to be doing and was making me aware that he knew and also letting me know he would be involved with my daily duties. I think this dream represents where we are right now. God has opened the door to new opportunities. Even though what is going on is going on now is not a time to be stagnant or to do the bare minimum. When God opens the door we need to be ready not trying to get ready  so we don't miss our moment of favor or visitation. I am reading the "Art of War" along with Ecclesiastes and doing some other things I am suppose to be doing; I was so tempted to just put it off, but now is not the time to put off what needs to be done. Now is the time to use the extra time we may find ourselves with wisely. God bless you.

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