Sunday, November 29, 2015

Know the Bible for Yourself.

Last night I was in what felt like the in between of a dream and reality. When I have these experiences it is more like being in the spirit realm than in a the past when I have had these "dreams" and was in some sort of battle I woke up exhausted as if I had really been fighting. When I woke up I knew I had to do something about the dream. In times past I would pray and warfare. Today I didn't know what to do and I decided to just tell the person the dream and the beautiful part about it was that the dream gave the person the answer "Know the bible for yourself". This place in time is very different but one thing remains constant...God is faithful and he is still leading and guiding.

John 1:1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Lukewarm by Grace

Psalm 23

Psalm 91

Mother and Child