Saturday, February 25, 2012


I have always been particular about who I let in my life. I have recently come to the conclusion that someone in my life is not for me. I love this person but after doing an inventory of our relationship I have to be honest with myself. After considering everything I am noticing all of the distractions; all of the hinderances. When do you let go of Judas? If God allowed the relationship to ultimately bring to pass his will at what point do you let go? Jesus who is an example of what love should be walked with Judas knowing all along that he would betray him. How do you walk with a person knowing they aren't for you? Watching relationships that could have grown die because of seeds of discord they sow. Does Judas know his assignment or is he used unwittingly? I want to be able to love freely without fear but I am at a crossroad; do I hand it over to Jesus or do I say enough and let go?

Luke 22:48
But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?

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